@ARTICLE{Geertsen_Lotte_Collective_2016, author={Geertsen, Lotte and Post, Ger}, volume={vol. 46}, journal={Studia Regionalia}, pages={7-26}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning and European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Polish Section}, abstract={A central element in the theory of clustering is the idea that physical clustering of businesses within specialized sectors is a source for regional economic growth. The spatial proximity of companies and institutions within related industries create a specific setting in which learning, knowledge sharing and mutual competition are encouraged. Additionally, active participation within the innovation eco-system of a Science & Technology Park provides actors access to knowledge, facilities and complementary contacts and network structures. Collective ideation helps an organization to improve the positioning within the technological field and economic market, especially within an innovation ecosystem because actors are dependent on each other’s behaviour to be successful in innovation. This research focuses on the question how to design the collective ideation process in particular to foster interactions within the context of a science & technology parks? This research is based on semi-structured interviews, conducted at all development stages (idea, startup, grow and mature) of Dutch science & technology parks with stakeholders from different perspectives, based on the triple-helix structure (government, industry, research). The study describes how multiple stakeholders benefit from collective ideation, what mechanisms and tools are used in practice and also describes prerequisites and limitations of collective ideation.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Collective ideation within the context of science and technology parks and regional economic clusters}, URL={http://sr.czasopisma.pan.pl/Content/109754/PDF-MASTER/studreg-46-01.pdf}, keywords={business innovation funnel, collaborative ideation, innovation ecosystems, open innovation, science parks}, }